Social Responsibility Policy

Policy SA8000

In order to achieve high ethical standards and in compliance with the principles of the SA8000 Standard, the applicable legal provisions and the main international conventions on human rights and workers’ rights, Scatolificio Cartotecnica Giorgi srl (hereafter company) undertakes to:

  • Do not use child labour in line with current legislation, ILO conventions on the subject and the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • Categorically reject obligatory working practices and any form of “modern slavery” that takes place in withholding documents, threatening, indebted workers.
  • Comply with current national legislation, conventions and international recommendations, including resolutions of international bodies such as the ILO – International Labour Organization and the UN – United Nations Organization.
  • Respect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
  • Combat all forms of discrimination and unequal treatment (in recruitment, in salaries, in access to training, career promotions) based on ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, gender, sexual preferences, family responsibility, civil status, trade union membership, political affiliation age or any other condition that could give rise to discrimination.
  • Condemn practices and conduct contrary to dignity or physical and/or moral integrity.
  • Apply the “general” laws and the CCNL to all employees, paying adequate and timely remuneration and paying all related social security, welfare and insurance contributions.
  • Ensuring the protection of motherhood and paternity, as well as disadvantaged persons.
  • Promote and improve the conditions of safety and physical and mental well-being of its collaborators with both preventive and corrective actions.
  • Involve all suppliers of goods, activities and services and their commitment to social responsibility in accordance with all the requirements of the reference standard.
  • Develop and extend information, communication, training and training processes and promote dialogue with stakeholders to ensure the efficient and effective application of the company’s integrated system.

The Company strives to ensure that the Standard’s social responsibility principles are disseminated, understood and respected by workers, supply chain components and other stakeholders, promoting their involvement.

The Company provides communication channels dedicated to sending reports concerning alleged or established violations of the provisions of the requirements of the standard and this Policy:

  • Internal reference:
  • Certification body:
  • SAI:

and undertakes to treat any report received with confidentiality and without any form of retaliation, without prejudice to legal obligations.